Scott Mills

Automation, Collective Consciousness, & a Woke Generation

Utopian Cartography Interview [2019]

Welcome comrades, to our maiden voyage into the tumultuous waters of civilizational prognostication! 🔮 ^^ It’s easy to be overwhelmed by the constant barrage of bad news. It’s easy to think humanity is hopeless. This is our first exploration into the possibility that everything can be different. We don’t have to delude ourselves with fantasies about why the future will be good. There are real reasons to be hopeful about where this planet is headed. 🦋 Utopian Cartography is a new podcast to explore those reasons, hosted by Neonn Felicity.

Scott Mills is a Transhumanist Activist & Social Scientist, a Geo-Political & Technological Analyst, a Non-Monogamy Communication and Life Coach, a Cryptocurrency Expert, & an all-around Progressive Futurist think tank. We met at Luminosity Gathering in Canada in 2017. We were both giving talks in the Metaphysics & Art space, and I was very impressed by his energy & his ability to apply profound insights from neuroscience & psychology to reinvent human social relations to embody a philosophy of radical love & radical openness. In the conversation you are about to hear, we discuss the path thru civilizational despair to becoming a utopian optimist, & how the only rational response to a world in crisis is to spread love & wisdom, as far & wide as possible. We are on the verge of human liberation, so get excited & enjoy the ride.

Scott Mills â–² Facebook is an archive of evolutionary media, full of talks & music & books & movies (etc.), to shed light on the profound shift we’re living through on this planet, and how we can best respond.

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