Tag: Robots

“Many of our current economic policies originated during times of scarcity. But now, says investor Albert Wenger, we live in an era of “digital abundance,” when creating new products costs virtually nothing. To adapt to the resulting economic upheavals, we won’t need just more tech, says Wenger, but some strong policies. Here he explores two: basic income guarantee and the right to be represented by a bot.”

This is the real big picture y’all, a vision of the future & where all this technology is going & what humans need to do to become better role models for robots. He explores what’s really important in our lives & why our current approaches to technology might be insufficient to allow its full potential to come to fruition. ♥ Neonn

“In this talk, Pablos dares you to imagine the possibilities in what once seemed impossible: a harmonious co-existence of humans and robots: Robots taking over your jobs and why they should; how this can trigger fear in humans and why it shouldn’t; redefining happiness; solving world problems like eliminating disease; a personal narrative of parenting that will bring you to your knees; and the responsibility of humans in all of this.”