Tag: Internet

Vinton Cerf, Neil Gershenfeld, Elizabeth Stark, Alex Wright

❝ Disruptive technologies uproot culture, can precipitate wars & even topple empires. By this measure, human history has seen nothing like the internet. Pioneers of the digital revolution, Vinton Cerf, Neil Gershenfeld, Elizabeth Stark, & Alex Wright, examine the Internet’s brief but explosive history & reveal nascent projects that will shortly reinvent how we interact with technology—and each other. From social upheaval & ever-shifting privacy standards to self-driving cars & networked groceries, this eye-opening program provides a stunning glimpse of what’s around the corner. ❞

❝ These are strange times indeed. While they continue to command so much attention in the mainstream media, the ‘battles’ between old and new modes of distribution, between the pirate and the institution of copyright, seem to many of us already lost and won. We know who the victors are. Why then say any more?

Because waves of repression continue to come: lawsuits are still levied against innocent people; arrests are still made on flimsy pretexts, in order to terrify and confuse; harsh laws are still enacted against filesharing, taking their place in the gradual erosion of our privacy and the bolstering of the surveillance state. All of this is intended to destroy or delay inexorable changes in what it means to create and exchange our creations. If STEAL THIS FILM II proves at all useful in bringing new people into the leagues of those now prepared to think ‘after intellectual property’, think creatively about the future of distribution, production and creativity, we have achieved our main goal.

It has been an exciting and demanding year for us and we really hope you’ll enjoy the work we’ve done. It would not have been possible without the thousands of donations you have given us. We have a plan for the future and if you would like to continue to support us, go here. Thank you. ❞

❝ How does our fascination with technology intersect with the religious imagination? In TechGnosis—a cult classic now updated and reissued with a new afterword—Erik Davis argues that while the realms of the digital and the spiritual may seem worlds apart, esoteric and religious impulses have in fact always permeated (and sometimes inspired) technological communication. Davis uncovers startling connections between such seemingly disparate topics as electricity and alchemy; online roleplaying games and religious and occult practices; virtual reality and gnostic mythology; programming languages and Kabbalah. The final chapters address the apocalyptic dreams that haunt technology, providing vital historical context as well as new ways to think about a future defined by the mutant intermingling of mind and machine, nightmare and fantasy. ❞