Tag: Florida

“Orlando-based rapper/singer E-Turn will release her third full-length, Young World, this fall on Fake Four Inc. Backed by the soulful, melodic boom bap of Swamburger (Solillaquists of Sound), E-Turn utilizes a multitude of deliveries and croons to issue a call to arms against the maladies of modernity.

The title of the album refers to how in the grand scheme of history, life as we currently know it is extremely young. Hip hop is young, too. While early returns of the digital age are awash with tales of rampant greed, cruelty, and alienation, E-Turn expresses hope that the tools at our disposal can be used for the greater good of humanity. And hip hop, at its best, can play its part. Entertainment helps us forget ourselves. Art helps us remember ourselves.”

“Hello, fans and new friends! My name is DeemZoo and Iโ€™m a music producer and Dj out of Tampa Florida. My style is quite distinct as I create and design my sounds from the works and inspiration of Mother Nature and her creatures. Each original track correlates to a specific being, whatever being that might be is entirely up to you. Iโ€™ve been producing my own tracks for about 6 years and Iโ€™m constantly on a journey to improve my sound design and structure. I ask you to join our zoo as we are all in this together as humans, and as earthlings. I hope you all recognize the cohesiveness of the world and the universe through my sounds and I hope I can share my unique perspective with all of you!”