Tag: Egalitarianism

Absolutely brilliant new film from Peter Joseph, my absolute #1 intellectual influence and philosophical hero. There is so much to say about this film, but it articulates the central thesis of the Zeitgeist Movement probably more effectively than any of their other work. Peter is always epically on-point in all his films and books and lectures, but the rest of his works are more strictly cerebral & analytical. True reality is very complicated, but this film manages to articulate it as clearly as I can imagine. Thanks again Peter, for illuminating the Truth for us all to see.

“InterReflections explores deep social issues. In three timelines our main story takes us into the future when ecological crisis and inequality has destabilized society. John Taylor, a defected government intelligence agent turned revolutionary leader, is captured by his former colleague and nemesis, Simon Devoe.”

In this expedition, Neonn talks to DSA Sacramento Co-Chair Jonah Paul about the philosophical & strategic path to expanding human rights to include housing, starting with rent control and working toward full-on social housing policies like they’ve already achieved in more progressive places. We talk about different catalysts for political activation, why millennials are trending towards socialism, the nature of capitalist exploitation & how to respond to it, rhetorical strategies to change public opinion, the effect of the 2008 collapse on today’s housing crisis, direct ballot measures vs. routine legislation, the futility of corrupt neoliberal solutions, the actual mechanics of rent control, how American real estate became a tax shelter, how to fight gentrification & financialization, what a decommodified housing policy would actually look like, how inadequate housing is detrimental to public health, egalitarian reasoning from humanist first principles, DSA as a great way to organize for working class power, utopia as a pluralistic participatory democracy, & lots more fun activist philosophy.. 🎃

Jonah Paul ▲ FacebookTwitter

Democratic Socialists of America ▲ FacebookTwitter

DSA Sacramento Chapter ▲ FacebookTwitter

intro music ▲ Of A Great Red Cypress

outro music ▲ Kalki / Antony of Egypt / Legion / Sunya Das / Kikwaakew

outro music ▲ Zieke Sounds

UtopianCartography.com is an archive of evolutionary media, full of talks & music & books & movies (etc.), to shed light on the profound shift we’re living through on this planet, and how we can best respond.

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