Category: Video Essays

“Humans have consumed psychedelics for at least the last 10,000 years. The outlawing of psychedelics in most of the world in the 20th century didn’t stop that, but it did put an end to promising research into their psychotherapeutic applications to treat depression, addiction, PTSD, anxiety, and trauma. Today, we’re in the midst of a psychedelic renaissance, with some psychedelics fast on their way to becoming legal medicines. One of the key players behind this movement is Rick Doblin, Ph.D.. In 01986, he founded the Multidisciplinary Association of Psychedelic Studies (MAPS), a non-profit research and educational organization that has developed the medical and legal framework for the use of psychedelics to treat mental health conditions. MAPS has distributed over $20 million to fund psychedelic research and education, and in 02017 won fast-tracked “Breakthrough Therapy” designation from the FDA for using MDMA-assisted psychotherapy to treat Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). With legalization now in sight, what is the future of psychedelic medicine?”

open the video on YouTube for timestamps on when he talks about each subject! so much material! and please don’t be turned off by the simulation shit in the first few minutes lol

“This video explores the role of psychedelic mushroom use and sun/star worship at the foundation of modern-day religion as well as our modern-day religious holidays. Written, narrated, and edited by Andrew Rutajit (Schuelein).”

“There’s perhaps already a distinct “Elon Musk Video Essay” genre here on YouTube. Hopefully, though, this takes a different approach to those which are already out there. Rather than focussing on I take a look at why Elon Musk has become such a revered figure in recent years and why so many people have embraced Elon Musk’s Loop, Tesla, Hyperloop, Spacex, Mars Mission, Neuralink and other projects. Drawing partly on the work of Mark Fisher and Franco “Bifo” Birardi, I consider how human perceptions of the future (at least in the advanced capitalist nations) have changed over time. In particular, I’m interested in how Elon Musk’s rise might be read as a response to what Birardi and Fisher refer to as the “Slow Cancellation of the Future” during the ascendency of neoliberalism (or neoliberal capitalism) in the 1970s, 80s, 90s and 2000s. I also argue that Elon Musk might have more than a little in common with figures in the political sphere such as Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (AOC) and “The Squad”, Jeremy Corbyn etc. who have also recently sought to break from the status quo and invited us to imagine bold new futures.”