Category: Acoustic Emo

“Swordplay: “Dear George, this is the first album I have made for you, written in your name. Initially, I planned to call it Mythology, after a comment Rick made just before your funeral. That is, these ceremonies we hold to celebrate the lives of those we’ve lost, they are the first opportunities we have at building the mythology of our loved ones. That idea resonated with me then, as it still does, because death is transformative in ways that are unknown and defy biographical story-telling. We know you will always be more than the awards on your resume, or a mere recitation of the facts. Perhaps you are the clouds passing over Moscow as France takes Croatia in the 2018 World Cup on the day you left us. Or maybe you are the entire sky now. Through music and prose, I believe, all is possible. Even resurrection.

2018 was a nasty year for many of us. When Ceschi asked me if I could do an album for Freecember, I thought of all the collective loss built up in our shared community, and how enmeshed we are in our grief. As I write this, with the end of the holiday season almost in sight, I imagine I am not alone in my loneliness. Although this is your album, I wanted to make it for all of us. All of us who, like Ram Dass said, are just walking each other home. I think you would want it that way.
For the King, the Wizard, and the G, George Griffin Ramsey, May 16, 1988 — July 15, 2018”

Pat the Bunny is my favorite singer-songwriter. This is a compilation of all the songs he recorded in the first iteration of his musical identity, when he was a teenage drifter anarchist addict singing under the name Johnny Hobo. These songs were all released as a series of demo EPs of super ghetto–but still so beautiful–recording quality, and this is an attempt to improve the quality of all those recordings made in squats and encampments across the country on his travels, to bring them all together in one magnificent album of semi-acoustic anarchist anthems. ♥ Neonn

“My predictions of what we would be allowed this time were all surpassed by the crowd around me, who were blessed with the inexperience necessary to push beyond the limits of what was possible. So-called “knowledge” becomes a liability when one context is mistaken for another. The same series of motions that wins someone a boxing match will lose them a knife fight.

I was mistaken that night. I thought we were on a different field playing a different game. The truth is I don’t know the world I act within well enough to justify a moment of certainty. Of course I deceive myself into many such moments, because the scale of chaos that swirls around me is beyond comprehension. But if you ask me the point of undertaking the small acts of resistance I find within my reach, I must admit: “Probably nothing, but possibly everything.”

And those are the best odds I can expect to play if I am in the
habit of believing in troubling things like freedom. I might never
know the results of what we do, but I have trouble thinking they
could be worse than if we had done nothing at all.”